Cold email tools


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How to Write a Cold Email with an AI Email Writer?

AI Cold email writer

Published on : 

June 17, 2024


Web developer and Product's lover

Cold emails are a great way to increase sales, generate leads, and find opportunities. The best thing about them is they don’t require many resources. 

However, these emails have to be customized in a way that they resonate with the recipient. If done correctly, a relationship with the recipient can be established. But this is a tricky task, and you might require some assistance in coming up with an effective cold email.

Fortunately, as artificial intelligence has progressed, many AI email writers have come to the scene. They can be used to generate an example cold email for yourself, which you can follow as a reference.  

Now if you’re wondering how you can use an AI email writer to create a cold email, that’s exactly what we’ll teach you in this article.

Using an AI Email Writer to Create a Cold Email: Step-By-Step Guide

Below, we’re going to list down the steps on how you can use an AI email writer to generate a cold email. We’ll discuss each step comprehensively so it’s easy for you to understand the whole process. 

Step # 1: Find a Trustable AI Email Writer

As mentioned earlier, in recent times, many of these tools have surfaced online. Not all of them are good though and some often sneakily steal your data too. This makes it important that you only use a reputable AI email writer

One that can be trusted and provides good results as well. To find such an AI email writer, it is best to look at user reviews. If a tool has a high user satisfaction rating, it’s likely to be accurate and trustworthy. 

For reviews, visit sites like Capterra and Trustpilot. We did the same and found AI Email Writer by Editpad. Its reviews are great and from what we’ve seen, outputs are quite good too. 

That said, we’ll be using it to demonstrate the steps following this one. You can use this tool as well or find one that you like more. Here’s what our chosen AI email writer looks like.

Step # 2: Provide the Required Information to the Tool

Each tool asks for a few details before it generates an email. These details typically include the name of the recipient and sender, the desired length of the email, and its purpose. Fill out these details carefully as the tool relies heavily on them to create an output. 

It is worth noting that when it comes to cold emails, you have to tell the AI email writer that you’re looking to create one whose purpose is to initiate the contact and try to establish a relationship to pitch the product or service.

To demonstrate this step, we used the following details:

Sender Name: Johnny Silverhand

Recipient Name: Arthur Morgan

Length: Short

Purpose: Cold email to establish a relationship with a software company and pitch my services to it. 

Step # 3: Click On the Provided Button and Proofread the Output 

Once the details are provided, simply click on the provided button to generate the output. In our case, this button says “Write Email” but if you choose another tool, it can vary.

After the button is pressed, you’ll see the tool process and within a few moments, you’ll be met with a cold email that you can use as an example. If you don’t want to keep the email as a mere example, it is advised that you proofread it. 

Check if the recipient and sender names are correct each time they are mentioned. Look for mistakes and gaps of information in the email and edit accordingly. Once this is done, you can send this email to your desired address rather than keeping it for exemplary purposes. 

Having said that, here’s what output we got against our provided details. 

Output of the tool:

Dear Arthur Morgan,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Johnny Silverhand, and I am reaching out to you on behalf of [Your Company]. I recently came across [Software Company] and was immensely impressed by the innovative software solutions you offer. As a company with a strong track record of developing and delivering cutting-edge software services, I believe that there is an opportunity for a mutually beneficial partnership between our organizations.

At [Your Company], we specialize in providing [Your Services or Solutions]. Our team of skilled professionals has a proven track record of delivering high-quality and value-added services to our clients. We believe that by joining forces with [Software Company], we can provide a compelling offering to your client base and contribute to the growth and success of both our organizations.

I would love the opportunity to discuss potential collaboration in more detail and explore how we can work together to achieve our mutual business goals. Would you be available for a brief call or meeting in the coming week to further explore potential partnership opportunities? I am confident that our combined expertise can create significant value for both our organizations, and I am excited about the potential of working together.

Thank you for considering this partnership opportunity, Arthur. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with [Software Company] and am excited about the potential of what we can achieve together.

Best regards,

Johnny Silverhand

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

This can also be seen in the image attached below. 

This is how you can write a cold email with an AI email writer. With everything discussed, our article comes to a close. 

Final Words

Cold emails are a great way to establish relationships and pitch your products or services to an individual or company. They are cost-effective but they do need to be personalized heavily. This is why, sometimes, assistance might be required. 

One place where such assistance can be taken from is an AI email writer. In this article, we have provided a guide on how you can create a cold email through such a tool.
